For many centuries, bills of lading have been used for the carriage of goods in seaborne trade. Since old times, the function of it is threefold: (1) evidence the carrier's receipt of the goods; (2) the contract of carriage; (3) document of title for possession of the goods. In spite of the state-of-the-art paperless trade, for the comming future, Masters will still be obliged to sign and authorise signature of bills of lading and to deliver cargo against the same.
Bill of Lading, as an example of a cargo document, is the first, but surely not the last topic that we suggest for the shipping community to discuss in our blog. You are encouraged to investigate all the links at our blog to find an answer to a question of your interest. Should you fail to find any satisfactory answer, please leave your comment, and we will try to revert with our comprehensive advise as soon as possible. Other topics of conversation are also very welcome! Remember that you can always contact us on our e-mail!
What an exiting topic! I suggest that you should also discuss proformas of charter parties